
  1. We shall make available application forms for new connections at the approved charge.
  2. The Front Desk Officer and other officers will always be available to guide every applicant on how to fill the form correctly and register completed forms.
  3. We shall carry out a survey of the customer premises and determine the requirements for the new connection within 24 hours of registering the application forms and payment of requisite survey fees.
  4. Our staff will be available to inspect all plumbing work done by a customer before effecting any service connection.
  5. Connection is effected within one day once the pipe laying works is completed.
  6. Every customer is provided with a meter upon payment of a refundable deposit as per our tariffs. The deposit refund shall be payable within three days after closing of account.
  7. During the installation of a new connection, the customer will be provided with information explaining how to maintain the service line, what to do incase of water leaks and economical use of water.
  8. The customer will receive his or her first bill within one month from the connection date.

We have bowser services to supply clean water to customers within Busia County. 

The water bowser provides mobile water supply solution for sites that do not have the water network or are undeserved.

Customers interested in this service can contact our customer service section at  Head Office to confirm availability and schedules of the trucks.

Our  water loading point is at the Mundika treatment plant for customers with their own means of transport.

 Water bowser charges

Tanker with the capacity of 16,000 liters, the charges are;

  • Ksh. 9,500 for customers located within Busia Municipality
  • Ksh.200 per extra KM  for customers outside Busia Municipality
  • For sleep over an extra Ksh 3,500

Busia Water and Sewerage Services provides exhauster services for customers who are not connected to the Company’s sewer network.

The services are also available to clients who are beyond the company’s area of jurisdiction.

Exhauster  charges

Exhauster with the capacity of 9,000 liters, the charges are;

  • Ksh. 6,000 for customers located within Busia Municipality
  • Ksh. 200 per extra KM for customers outside Busia Municipality

The company has collapsable tanks at an affordable rate of Ksh 3,500 per stay 

The Company also provides safe disposal services for exhauster dumping for firms & individuals who own exhauster equipments and wish to empty the septage for safe management.

Our dumping site is at the Busia Ponds.

Charged at Ksh 2,000 per trip

Customer Service

Our dedicated team of customer service is always ready to assist. Kindly call us on +254 796 523 854

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